
Together for 15 years of research

Q-CROC celebrates its 15th anniversary this year! It’s been a fifteen-year journey marked by many changes, but always guided by our desire to collaborate with key stakeholders in the Quebec clinical research community in the fight against cancer. Today Q-CROC teams up with over forty organizations to carry out its mission which is twofold: optimizing recruitment of the participants and improving knowledge in clinical research, for both healthcare professionals and the general public. 

"We are proud to have supported Q-CROC's activities for many years, and to have contributed to the advancement of clinical oncology research in Quebec. Pfizer Canada is especially pleased to have supported the development and optimization of the Onco-Québec search tool, which has become the reference in Quebec for searching for oncology clinical trials quickly and efficiently."
Karine Grand’Maison Vice-President, Access and Government Relations
Pfizer Canada
"The Fonds de Recherche Québec-Santé and Oncopole Québec applaud Q-CROC's efforts over the past few years and wish them continued success in contributing to global cancer research efforts."
Carole Jabet scientific director
Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé et Oncopole
"Q-CROC is doing important, concrete work that is having a real impact on the oncology clinical research community in Quebec, in partnership with patient associations, the pharmaceutical industry, hospitals, and research teams."
Eva Villalba---executive director
Quebec Cancer Coalition

Q-CROC in 7 milestones

Q-CROC was born of the medical community's desire to work as a team to improve clinical research. Q-CROC was founded by two clinical research pioneers: Drs Gerald Batist (Jewish General Hospital) and Luc Bélanger (CHU de Québec - Université Laval).
As part of the Fonds de partenariat pour un Québec innovant et en santé (FPQIS), Q-CROC received a 5-year investment from the Quebec government as part of the Fonds de partenariat pour un Québec innovant et en santé (FPQIS). This grant allowed for the consolidation of a strong network, and also led to the creation of OncoQuébec.
Q-CROC has been the Quebec representative for 3CTN (Canadian Cancer Clinical Trials Network) a pan-Canadian academic clinical research initiative since 2015. Q-CROC also acts as the regional representative for the Eastern provinces.
Oncopole's support enabled Q-CROC to take important steps in defining its current activities: launching its first communities of practice and fellowship programs for academic researchers, as well as deploying several awareness-raising tools.
OncoQuébec is one of Q-CROC's flagship projects to support recruitment. In just a few years, it has become the reference in Quebec for searching for oncology clinical trials, as evidenced by the forty or so organizations that refer to it on the Web. A support service (Onco+) is also available on the platform.
With the addition of the CISSS de Chaudière-Appalaches and the CISSS des Laurentides in 2021, the Q-CROC network now includes 100% of the institutions involved in clinical oncology research in Quebec.
15th anniversary
Q-CROC celebrates its 15th anniversary this year. A warm thank you to all the organizations and individuals who have supported us along the way.

Member institutions of the Q-CROC network

"I'm so moved by all the work you do for me and other people with cancer! Many thanks to you."
cancer patient
user of our Onco+ support system
"Q-CROC is an essential partner in the development of clinical oncology research in Quebec. It is the only organization that enables the province's various hospitals to coordinate their efforts to optimize research potential for all cancer patients."
Dr Normand Blais Hémato-oncologue et membre d'une communauté de pratique de Q-CROC
"Merck Canada Inc. is a proud partner of the Q-CROC Network. We share the commitment of Q-CROC and its network to advancing oncology research and improving healthcare through clinical research. As partners for many years, Q-CROC and Merck Canada collaborate to create solutions to optimize participant recruitment and enhance clinical research knowledge. On their 15th anniversary, we would like to highlight the contribution of the Q-CROC network to the Quebec healthcare ecosystem, notably through the creation of the OncoQuebec study registry, which lists all oncology studies underway within the healthcare network."
Merck Canada

Our partners and collaborators over the past 15 years

Q-CROC favors the sharing of ideas and collaboration to foster commitment and break down silos. Over the past 15 years, Q-CROC has built relationships based on trust, and taken actions guided by respect for the organizations we partner with:

"Congratulations on 15 years of success. Q-CROC addresses critical gaps in patient support as they navigate the unknown of clinical trials. We look forward to the next 15 years."
Ann-Merie O’Halloran, PhD - Lead, Medical Operations
“It has been a pleasure collaborating and supporting Q-CROC for many years to optimize access to oncology clinical trials for patients in Quebec. Q-CROC’s commitment and passion to find solutions for oncology clinical research is evident in everything they do. Development of OncoQuebec clinical studies search tool has been a great accomplishment; it provides easy access to oncology clinical trials in Quebec and helps with patient referrals to the most appropriate research institution...
Medical and Clinical Teams
...Improving access to clinical trials has been an exciting and ongoing journey, and Q-CROC team continues to look for ways to make it happen and give access to clinical trials to all patients across Quebec. We are excited to embark on this journey with you and find ways to provide access to clinical trials to many patients based in rural areas of Quebec. Thank you for everything you do to optimize access to clinical trials and increase knowledge in clinical research!”
Clinical and Medical Teams