
New initiative with: Espace partenaires en cancérologie (CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal)

In collaboration with Q-CROC, a new initiative has been launched within the Espace partenaires en cancérologie to raise awareness among people affected by cancer of the importance of clinical research in improving healthcare.

“The difficulty of accessing information on clinical research and clinical trials in healthcare institutions is a problem reported both by Quebec patients and the international scientific literature. This project will not only address this issue, but also help to better identify the right moment in the care trajectory to address the subject with patients.” – Lucie D’Amours, General Manager of Q-CROC

The aim of the project is to systematically inform patients using the Espace partenaires en cancérologie support service at Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital about clinical research in oncology.

“Thanks to our one-stop shop and our collaboration with Q-CROC, everyone affected by cancer who benefits from the EPC service will be able to hear about clinical research. This is a first in Quebec. In addition to facilitating access to information on clinical trials, this project will enable experiential sharing between people who have already participated in clinical trials themselves” – Déborah Pascale, Assistant Director, Cancer Program, CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal.

As part of the project, some of the Espace’s patient partners received general training in clinical research from Q-CROC. The model could be replicated in other facilities in the healthcare network, depending on the results of the pilot phase.

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